Hi, my name is Andraž Škoflek.
I'm a Frontend Developer.

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About me

I'm a motivated frontend developer with a MSc in Chemical Engineering, eager to launch my career in this dynamic exciting field. As a self-taught frontend developer, I've dedicated myself to mastering HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I'm always eager to expand my knowledge and stay up-to-date with the latest web development trends.

When I'm not coding, you'll find me immersing myself in a variety of hobbies. I find joy in reading books, listening to music, running or challenging my mind through a game or two of chess. Nature is my happy place, and I love traveling to experience its beauty. I also value quality time spent with friends and family.

View my CV


Github user search app

A simple user search app built with Github API

Responsive design across all devices, has a toggle option for dark mode. Matches user's windows theme preference. Built with Sass and Vanilla JS.

Challenge and Figma design provided by Frontend Mentor.

See Live Source Code

Equalizer landing page

A simple landing page project.

Responsive design across all devices, semantic and accessible HTML. Includes a few hoverable elements on desktop.

Challenge and Figma design provided by Frontend Mentor.

See Live Source Code

Weather App

Simple Weather App built with Weather API.

Provides current weather information as well as weather forecast for the next 2-13 days, depending on the API pricing plan.

See Live


I'm currently looking for junior frontend opportunities.

Let's work together!